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Posted by JATomlinson | 2 comments

The Next Round of Awesome Tutorials

Here it is Photoshop Junkies, the newest round of awesome Photoshop tutorials to soup up your arsenal and your portfolio.

Flood Tutorial - Learn how to make an awesome flood scene!  Includes Video!

Halftone Dots - Super easy way to make an awesome picture pop!

Turn pictures into a comic book! - Another easy tutorial to make your pictures sweet!

Lomo Effect - I can't even describe how much better digital photos look when this effect has been added to it.

Energy orbs - This tutorial is a good start to making it seem as if your child has Jedi powers.  They skim over some of the polishing effects, but this is still a great tutorial!

Turn an outdoors photo into a watercolor painting! 

Awesome Displacement Effect

Have some awesome tutorials to share?  Comment below with a link!

Until next time, Peace!


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