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Posted by JATomlinson | 3 comments

Awesome Text Effects

Is your text falling flat on it's face? Why not let it shine? Take a look at these photoshop tutorials to learn how to give your text some pizzaz!

Click on the pics to see the tutorials!

<-- This tutorial is six tutorials in one!

Know of some great text tutorials?  Share them with us in a comment below!


  1. One more thing I'd like to add, is that when some people start understanding this topic and not seeing improvements, they start to quit. But is not how it must be. Even if you're not getting great results at first, keep it up during few months till you see good authority sites like this where you would be able to get enough guidelines that could hadly be come across even in the most expensive e books.

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  2. Amazing collection of Text Effects. Really so nice. I am impressed. Thanks for sharing.
